Any event on the public highway involves a significant amount of risk. If you are in any doubt about the safety of your event, do not hold it! The number one priority for event organisers must be to minimise the risk to participants and public safety. As well as the possible danger to people taking part and other road users, you also need to think about the inconvenience you may cause for pedestrians and traffic.
Generally the police do not support an event that takes place on the highway due to the inherent dangers to public safety. the police may, however, make contingency plans to deal with any potential public safety issues as a result of your event taking place, and also take any action deemed necessary on the day of the event to resolve any public disorder issues that occur. You also need to be aware that there may be a charge for emergency services or local authority resources, should they be required.
Any safety concerns and advice given to event organisers will be documents. If there is an incident resulting in court / public enquiry proceedings, we have an obligation to notify any investigating authority about the safety advice given to you about your event.
Road Closures
For events that require Road Closure Orders, 3 months notice will be required. You should note, however, that only closures of minor roads or streets can generally be considered, and there can be a cost incurred in obtaining and advertising the requisite orders. Neither the police nor the local authority are any longer able to provide 'rolling' road closures for parades, marches and processions.
Temporary Signage
All temporary signing on the highway will be to Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual and the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991. All signing will require specific approval of the Highway Authority.
Useful Links
How to Apply
Please download and complete the appropriate Word or PDF version of the application form first from the options below. Once done, submit your completed application form and other relevant documentation.
Once you have completed the form, please use this link below to upload the completed Form.
Contact Us
Telephone 01384 815453
Find us on Google Maps
Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 8.45am to 5pm
Offices are closed on weekends and bank holidays.