You need a licence from the Council if you are planning to sell or supply alcohol, late-night refreshments (hot food or drink sold between 11pm to 5am) or regulated entertainment.
The Licensing Act 2003 application forms, together with regulations, fees and more detailed information can be found on theGOV.UK
The Licensing Policy (see below) sets out how Dudley Council will carry out its licensing function for a five year period and how we propose to uphold the four licensing objectives and other initiatives at local level.
The Licensing Act makes provision for this policy to be the subject of consultation and the list of consultees is attached at Appendix B of the document. We will review this policy at least every five years and consult on any proposed revisions.
The policy was last reviewed and approved by full Council on 12th October 2020.
Environmental Health Guidance assists applicants to decide what should be included in their Operating Schedule for Premises with respect to addressing the Licensing Objective of Public Safety - this list is not exhaustive.
A Personal Licence allows you to sell alcohol and authorise sales of alcohol under the authority of a premises licence.
A Premises Licence allows a premises to be used for different licensable activities including the supply of alcohol, providing regulated entertainment and providing late night refreshment
Find out about new and current premises applications
A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) can be used for the occasional sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment and the sale of hot food and drink (after 11pm).
Club Premises Certificate are for the supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to its members for consumption on or off the premises or for the provision of regulated entertainment by the club for its members and guests. It is similar to a Premises Licence but there is no requirement for a qualifying club to have a designated premises supervisor named on the certificate.
Under the Licensing Act 2003 the word Representations relates to objections and support for an application.
Please note that all representations are subject to time limits from the date applications are received by the Council.
From time to time licensed premises may be in breach of one or more of the licensing objectives. This may result in the premises licence or club premises certificate being reviewed by the council.
A review of a premises licence or club premises certificate may be called by any of the responsible authorities or by an interested party such as a resident or person running a business in the vicinity of the licensed premises. Any application for a review that is not considered relevant to the licensing objectives will be refused.
Reviews will be advertised on the website and also a notice will be displayed on the premises. You can make a representation to a review, see link above.
Please remember, if 'Responsible Authorities' are not notified, applications will be deemed incomplete. There is a list of Responsible Authoritiesand their contact details who need to be notified.
Information about Fee Levels can befound on GOV.UK. The Licensing Act 2003 ("The Act") provides for fees to be payable to the licensing authority in respect of the discharge of their functions. The fee levels are set centrally by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, at a level to allow licensing authorities full cost recovery for the administration, inspection and enforcement.
This list of frequently asked questions is not exhaustive, and some of the information given is an interpretation of current Government guidelines.