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This regime is known as Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC). Premises permitted under this regime are known as Part B installations and the processes that they carry out are permitted Part B activities.

Permitted activities

Permitted activities are those industrial technologies that have a potential to cause pollution and a list can be found in ‘Schedule 1, Part 2 of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.’ Other activities, such as those that use and emit solvents or operate waste incineration plant, may be subject to the requirements of other schedules of the Regulations.

Part B activities have less pollution potential than Part A1 and A2 activities.  They include such processes as vehicle respraying, furniture manufacture, unloading of petrol at petrol stations and dry cleaning establishments.

The Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC) system deals only with emissions to air. Part B activities are regulated by local authorities who will inspect the installation to ensure that it is complying with the conditions of the environmental permit.

Your Right of Appeal

Any person aggrieved by a refusal to be granted a permit or by any condition to which a permit is subject may appeal to the Planning Inspectorate who may give such directions regarding the permit or its conditions as it thinks proper.

Making a complaint

If you feel we have failed to provide you with good service or are concerned about the progress of your application, please contact us and we will endeavour to resolve any concerns you may have. We also have a formal complaints procedure.

Contact Us

Environmental Safety and Health
3-5 St James's Road

Telephone: 0300 555 2345

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 8.45am to 5pm
Offices are closed on weekends and bank holidays.