If you need to know who is responsible for a property, you can either contact Companies House or The Land Registry.
We all have the right to live in peace free from the nuisance of noisy neighbours, threatening behaviour or harassment. If your tenants complain about anti-social behaviour or someone complains to you about your tenants, action will need to be taken.
I am worried there may be asbestos in my home?
If you are worried there may be asbestos in your home the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website explains what to look out for.
I need to remove or dispose of asbestos?
Asbestos materials are often best left alone if in good condition and unlikely to get damaged.
We do not carry out asbestos sampling, analysis, or removal. We do not offer general guidance on handling asbestos and will advise to get specialist help or advice.
Asbestos removal
You can find specialist asbestos removal contractors in the Yellow Pages or on the internet. If you live in rented accommodation, please speak to your landlord.
Alternatively, if you choose to remove asbestos materials yourself, you should use the correct protective equipment and follow safe working practices - read the advice sheets on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website for more information.
For free confidential advice contact Citizens Advice.
Council Tax helps to pay for Council services including education and social services, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner and Fire & Civil Defence. The Council receives money from the Government and income from Business Rates, although this is not enough to cover the whole cost of Council services. The difference is made up by the Council Tax.
See further advice from Shelter regarding damp and mould.
DWP is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy. It administers the State Pension and a range of working age, disability and ill health benefits.
From the 1st April 2021 all Landlords are required to have an electrical safety report (EICR) which shows all the electrics in the property are safe. Please see below information for guidance:
- Electrical safety standards in the private rented sector - Guide for Landlords
- Electrical safety in rented homes
- More information about moving out during repairs
As fuel bills continue to rise more and more people are focusing on energy efficiency within the home. We are committed to helping our residents reduce their fuel bills, keep warmer through the winter months and reduce our borough’s carbon emissions.
For some great tips on keeping safe - at home or when you’re out and about.
Their ‘Safe and Well’ visits cover a range of topics and can include fitting free smoke alarms. Specialist alarms if you’re hard of hearing or visually impaired are also available, free of charge. Book online for yourself or someone else.
They also have a wealth of information for businesses of all sizes, including guidance on carrying out a fire safety risk assessment.
Gas Safe holds a list of gas companies who are registered to work safely and legally on boilers, cookers, fires and all other gas appliances. By law all gas engineers must be on the Gas Safe Register.
If you have a disability, an adaptation can help you to move more safely and confidently around your home.
If you live in a rented house or flat, then this guide will help you understand your rights under this Act.
This guide is for people who: rent privately; rent from a housing association or rent from their local council
If you are in temporary accommodation or are a lodger or a property guardian, then this guide may not apply to you. If you are unsure you may wish to check if you have a licence to occupy rather than a tenancy.
HMRC is the UK’s tax, payments and customs authority.
The HHSRS is the government's system for assessing the health and safety risks in dwellings, in order to inspect properties in the private sector.
NRLA is a membership organisation for private residential landlords. The association was created from the merger of the RLA and NLA in April 2020. NRLA membership connects you with a wide range of resources - including access to business information, training, professional expertise, a leading publication and much more.
The HHSRS is the government's system for assessing the health and safety risks in dwellings, in order to inspect properties in the private sector.
For housing advice and support contact Shelter.
More information can be found within the Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm guidance.
Are you a landlord/managing agent of a residential premises that has ‘common areas’ such as shared hallways, kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms? If so the Smoke free legislation, which came into force in England on the 1st July 2007, applies to you.
The new law requires that virtually all enclosed public areas and workplaces to be smoke free, in accordance with regulations made under the Health Act 2006.
Premises are considered to be ‘enclosed’ if they have a ceiling or roof and, except for doors, windows or passageways, are wholly enclosed.
The main purpose of the legislation is to protect employees and members of the public from the effects of second hand smoke, which are known to cause a range of serious medical problems such as lung cancer and heart disease.
Second hand smoke can linger in enclosed spaces long after someone has been smoking and scientists have found that ventilation systems are not able to eliminate the risks of second hand smoke.
The legislation covers the smoking of tobacco or anything that contains tobacco, or the smoking of any other substance, including cigarettes, pipes and cigars.
With residential accommodation the regulations set out that private dwellings will not be required to be smoke free, with the exception of any parts of the premises that are used in common by more than one premises, e.g. a common indoor stairwell in a block divided into flats or a communal kitchen in a shared residence.
We are responsible for enforcing the Smokefree legislation, which makes it an offence for someone to smoke in such premises and carries a fixed penalty of £50 or a fine not exceeding £200.
All smoke free premises/areas have to display no smoking signs that meet the requirements as set out in the Smoke free (Signs) Regulations.
Owners/managers who fail to display no smoking signs face a fixed penalty of £200 (discounted to £150 if paid within 15 days) or a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale (currently £1000). Further, owners/managers who fail to prevent smoking in a smoke free premises face a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale (currently £2500).