If you or a member of your household are having difficulties getting in or around your home, bathing, or getting upstairs, then we may be able to help you adapt your home to meet your needs.
Our home improvement service provides adaptations, essential repairs and energy advice to support vulnerable residents living in the Dudley Borough to keep warm, safe and independent in their homes.
Decorating your home
Internal decoration of Council properties is generally the responsibility of the tenant. The tenancy agreement places a duty on tenants to keep the decoration of their property in reasonable condition.
However there are a few occasions where assistance with internal decorating is available from the Council.
Social Decorations
We currently operate a limited social decorations programme where we provide assistance with internal decorations to tenants who are elderly or disabled. To be eligible for assistance tenants must be over 65 years of age and or disabled and have no other household member who is able to decorate for them. Eligible tenants can apply for up to 2 rooms to be decorated if they have not applied within the last 2 years.
Damaged Internal Decorations following Repair
In some circumstances you may be eligible for a decoration allowance where we have damaged your decorations in the course of repair work at your property. You will be advised by your Housing Manager if you are eligible for a decoration allowance after visiting your property to assess the damage. If you wish to make an appointment with your Housing Manager for this reason phone 0300 555 2345 or email the Housing call centre.
New Tenants
We may offer new tenants a decoration allowance at the start of a tenancy to contribute towards the decoration cost of the property. New tenants will be advised if there is a decoration allowance for the property at the time of being offered of the tenancy.