Find important information about living in high or low rise flats including recycling, rubbish, and repairs.
Many of our blocks are fitted with a door entry security system operated by a fob or key.
Please ensure the main entrance doors are securely closed when you use them and don't let people in you don't know or aren't expecting.
We request that you do not prop entry doors open as these are automatic doors. Such actions could damage the doors.
If you lose your key fob or key please let us know as soon as possible and we will arrange for a replacement. We can also arrange to have additional key fobs for your family members.
Please note, you will be charged for new or lost key fobs. When your tenancy ends all keys and fobs must be returned to us.
Your safety is very important to us. We have both a legal and civil responsibility to make sure you are safe in our blocks. For more information see Fire Safety Information for Residents document below.
If you are considering using a mobility scooter, then please speak to your Community Housing Officer first. Mobility scooters pose a fire risk so you will need permission to store it.
Please ensure that your scooter is stored in a suitable area that does not cause damage to the property or inconvenience to other residents. If damage should occur, you may be liable to pay for the cost of repair.
We also recommend you take out additional insurance to cover the loss or damage to your scooter should this occur.
Dudley Council is committed to the recycling of rubbish wherever possible. We will provide you with three different containers to separate your waste ready for collection.
If you don't have any or need to request some new recycling bags, you can do this via our online form.
You can find more information on your collection dates, how you can reduce waste, and what should go in to your recycling bags here.
Dudley Council have a dedicated Repair Management Centre who are committed to maintaining properties and ensure enquiries are dealt with effectively and immediately. You can report a repair via the online service.
In some high rise blocks there are telephones available in the lobby area that are directly linked to the repairs centre for you to contact.
We provide all residents with a weekly rubbish collection for the disposal of of non-recyclable household waste.
Rubbish incorrectly stored within blocks pose a fire hazard and should not be left within communal areas. It must be stored correctly in the bin area and put out in a timely manner on collection days.
If you live in a block where the rubbish is collected from the front of the building every week, please ensure you take your rubbish to the collection point at the appropriate time or it will not be collected. Rubbish is collected from the kerbside and not from the bin storage area.
If your flat uses a large communal bin please ensure that all rubbish is placed there in time for the collection and bagged appropriately. Rubbish must be placed within the bin and not in the surrounding area. Rubbish around the bin prevents it from being emptied.
Action may be taken against anyone who does not dispose of rubbish correctly and against anyone who fly tips.
If you wish to install cable or satellite television within your flat you must contact your Community Housing Officer first. Your supplier must also have our permission before starting work as poor installation could cause fire safety implications.
There is a limit to the number of satellite dishes which can be installed onto any property, and permission may not be granted. In most cases flats will be restricted to using the communal facilities provided.
There is a no smoking policy within our blocks.
It is against the law for anyone to smoke in the internal communal/common areas of the block (including lifts) and anyone who does so can be prosecuted. Of course you can smoke within your own flat.
Contact Us
For further information please contact Dudley Council Plus.