Currently there are approximately 5000 on our housing register and we receive approximately 150 applications to the housing register each week.
The number of properties we are able to advertise is approximately 20 – 30 each week.
As a result, unfortunately, the majority of people will not achieve rehousing via this route and may find it necessary to consider other housing options.
If you have lost or are worried about losing your home the Homelessness Prevention and Response Team at Dudley Council can offer advice and assistance to help you resolve your housing problems whether you are a homeowner, renting, or living with friends and family.
Looking for a council or housing association home? Find out who can apply to join Dudley Council’s Housing Register and how to set up your account to be able to register an interest in Council and other social housing providers properties to rent.
If you live in social housing and you have an issue with your home or your landlord, you can take steps to make things right. The UK government has advice on how to get an issue sorted.
If you have a long-term disability and are unable to buy a home in another shared ownership scheme that meets your needs, HOLD offers you the chance to buy a home on the open market on shared ownership terms. For more information, please visit Ownership scheme.
We must consider the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant when looking to address the housing requirements of the Armed Forces Community.
There are a number of schemes for those looking to live as independently as possible whilst also having help close by if needed, and services that can support this. For more information visit Supported housing.