The monitoring of planning policies and assessing whether strategic planning targets are being met is an essential part of the work that our Strategic Planning and Historic Environment team do.
It's the means by which we can assess how well the planning policies of the Development Plan for Dudley are performing.
It also provides essential information for any review or update of planning policies, as it shows whether or not they are effective in achieving the targets stated in the monitoring indicators.
Monitoring policies
A main part of the Authority's Monitoring Report (AMR) is the monitoring of the policies contained within the Black Country Core Strategy (BCCS). As the BCCS is a Black Country wide planning policy document, in most cases the monitoring indicators relate to Black Country-wide targets. Each of the four authorities therefore produces an AMR which incorporates the indicators from the BCCS and reflects the authority’s own situation.
Our latest AMR can be viewed by clicking on the PDF file below. Also attached are relevant, previous AMRs.