The Dudley Borough Development Strategy builds on the work carried out for the Black Country Core Strategy which was adopted in 2011. The Black Country Core Strategy identified several Regeneration Corridors within the Borough linking the four main town centres. These centres and corridors contain the majority of areas where growth will be concentrated over the plan period (up to 2026).
The Borough Development Strategy was formally adopted by Dudley Council on 27th February 2017 and was subject to a (six week) period of legal challenge which ended on 13th April 2017.
This document replaces what remains of the Unitary Development Plan (2005) which has been revoked and provides the Statutory planning framework for the Borough in conjunction with the Black Country Core Strategy and the Area Action Plans for Brierley Hill, Dudley, Halesowen and Stourbridge.
The Submission of the Dudley Borough Development Strategy is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal Report which is available below along with a series of other background documents forming the evidence base for the Borough Development Strategy.