The Householder Extensions Local Development (LDO) was approved by cabinet on 13 September 2017 and was formally adopted on the 2 October 2017.
This LDO applies to house extensions and alterations which would normally require planning permission but that are deemed to be straight forward and low impact and in compliance with the Councils house extensions planning guidance. The LDO does not remove any of the nationally set “Permitted Development” rights but it broadens the range of extensions which homeowners can undertake without the need to apply for full planning permission.
Houses in England have General Permitted Development rights which are set nationally under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (amended) that allow extensions to a property without the need for planning permission. In addition, this LDO allows the Local Planning Authority to permit further opportunities for homeowners to extend their properties without needing full planning permission for certain types of properties within specified areas of the Borough.
The benefits of the LDO are:
It is a simpler process compared to submitting a planning application because the proposal is assessed against a specific set of design criteria.
It provides greater certainty for the type of extension permitted where the application meets this set of design criteria.
It is a quicker process, taking 2 weeks rather than 8 weeks.
It is less costly
The Householder Extensions LDO allows certain extensions to be built without planning permission. The criteria used are over and above the national permitted development rights set down by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 as amended, which still apply to all houses within the District unless otherwise specified.
The LDO includes:
Erection of single storey rear and side extensions
Erection of a two storey extension
First floor side and rear extension
The following types of properties are not included in the LDO scheme:
“Mucklow”built semi-detached property with characteristic “Cat-Slide” roof remaining and where the proposal would comprise any development at first floor level.
Houses where Permitted Development rights have been removed by condition.
Any property granted residential use by Prior Notification Application.
If your home is any of these property types, the LDO rights do not apply and planning permission should be sought. All other property types are included.
In order for an extension/alteration to comply with the LDO, you must apply for written consent from the council to undertake the works, a copy of the application form is within Appendix C. The application MUST be made prior to commencement of any works. If you have plans available you can submit them alongside your application, although the submission of plans is not necessity.
You are however advised to:
Check the council’s website to ensure compliance with the LDO criteria.
You must also:
Notify your neighbours of the proposal
Please note:
If your development is effected by a public sewer, as shown on Severn Trent Water Limited’s published map of sewers, you are unfortunately not permitted to use a Building Notice, but MUST submit a Full Plans Application in which instance full construction details including scaled plans and specification for the development must be provided to the department for assessment prior to works beginning on site. Further information regarding can be found on Severn Trent’s website,building over or close to a public sewer.
There is no option for retrospective LDO applications, if works have commenced, the submission of a full planning application will be required.
Firstly by consulting the design guide you can assess whether you are able to apply for permission through the LDO route. If the proposal does not meet all of the specified criteria, design guidance and conditions, you cannot use the LDO route and must apply for Planning Permission. We recommend that you visitMaking a Planning Applicationfor advice on submitting a full planning application.
If you do have any queries or questions about the process or the proposed extension(s), please contact Duty Planning Officer. Please note the Duty Planning Officer will not assess your proposals to ensure LDO compliance but will advise on the process or interpretation of the Design Guide.
You will need to submit the following to the Council:
Completed application form N.B it is important that the application form is completed in full in order for the proposed extension to be assessed against the LDO criteria.
The Fee of £129
Photos of existing elevations to the property (front/side and rear).
You may also choose to provide proposed elevations and floor plans showing the original house and the proposed extension if available.